Friday, September 02, 2011

Happy 7th blogoversary to me, & thanks/gifts

I'm delighted to have my blog back in one piece, after this week's mischief, in time to celebrate my seventh blogoversary today. Many thanks to my helpers:
  • Larry, who backed up my entire blog. (I'm afraid to open the file--I think my computer is acting funny enough already, lately. It's time to call in the geek squad, I fear.)
  • Rich, who offered to do "surgery" on my blog's template.
  • Sheyna and Eliyahu, who pointed out what the offending code might be.
  • Rich again, who, when I copied a pile of code from my template and sent it to my helpers, wrote back almost immediately to tell me exactly what to delete.
Thanks for the blogoversary presents!


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